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Ankylosing Spondylitis Overview Top
Ankylosing Spondylitis (rheumatoid spondylitis) as a term can be explained as a type of Arthritis of the spine. It can involve joints of the spine the hip and the shoulder joints.

Ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune disease. This means your immune system, which normally protects your body from infection, attacks your body’s own tissues. The disease is more common and more severe in men. It often runs in families. It leads to inflammation between the vertebrae, which are the disks that make up the spine, and in the joints between the spine and pelvis. Chronic inflammation in these areas causes pain and stiffness in and around the spine. Over time, ankylosing spondylitis can fuse your vertebrae together (a process referred to as ankylosis), limiting movement. Symptoms can worsen or improve or stop altogether.

Ankylosing spondylitis is also a systemic disease, meaning it can affect other tissues throughout the body. Accordingly, it can cause inflammation in or injury to other joints away from the spine, as well as to other organs, such as the eyes, heart, lungs, and kidneys.
Ankylosing spondylitis shares many features with several other Arthritis conditions, such as psoriatic Arthritis, reactive Arthritis, and Arthritis associated with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

There are four forms of ankylosing spondylitis:
  • Central form. This form manifests only in the spine. It develops slowly, imperceptibly for the patient. Pain first appears in the sacrum, then climb up the spine.
  • Rizomelicheskaya form. In this form of the disease lesion of the spine is accompanied by the defeat of large joints. Most often suffer shoulder and hip joints. The disease also develops gradually.
  • The peripheral type: In the peripheral form of the disease Ankylosing Spondylitis first signs of the disease appear in the sacroiliac joints (lower back). Over time it spreads to the knee, hips and other joints. This form is more common among adolescents.
  • Scandinavian form of Bechterew's disease. This form is similar to the peripheral, but unlike it the small joints (hand and feet) are involved to a larger extent.
What are causes of Ankylosing Spondylitis? Top
The cause (s) of ankylosing spondylitis is unknown, but genes seem to play a role. The disease most often begins between ages 20 and 40, but may begin before age 10. It affects more males than females. In most cases the tendency to develop ankylosing spondylitis is genetically inherited, and a majority (nearly 90%) of people with ankylosing spondylitis are born with a gene known as the HLA-B27.
What are the sign and symptoms of Ankylosing spondylitis? Top
The symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are related to inflammation of the spine, joints, and other organs.
  • Pain and stiffness are worse at night, in the morning, or when you are not active.
  • The pain typically gets better with activity or exercise.
  • Back pain may begin in the sacroiliac joints (lower back). Over time, it may involve all or part of the spine.
  • Fatigue is also a common symptom.
Other, less common symptoms include:
  • Eye inflammation or uveitis
  • Heel pain
  • Hip pain and stiffness
  • Joint pain and joint swelling in the shoulders, knees, and ankles
  • Loss of appetite
  • Slight fever
  • Weight loss
What is the role of Homoeopathy In Ankylosing Spondylitis? Top
As described in the article above causes Ankylosing Spondylitis can be multifactor al and can form a complex disease state involving multiple organs. Homoeopathy follows an individualistic approach towards patients suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis we believe that every individual is different and thus a full in-depth case study is the first step. Then referring to the risk factors the individual was subjected too, a particular line of treatment is adopted Broad criteria of how the homoeopathic medicines act in cases of Ankylosing Spondylitis is mentioned below. The response to treatment can differ from one individual to another patients are advised to consult so that the mode of treatment can be discussed pertaining to their particular case

1. Relieves Symptoms like:
    a. Pain
    b. Stiffness
    c. Increases Joint Mobility

2. Controlling and reversing the underlying Disease process:
It helps by stopping the demineralization and degeneration process of the bones of the joint involved. Providing strength to the adjoining ligaments thus strengthening the whole joint, maintaining its space and decreasing pressure on the nerves. It prevents fusion of joints and the further spread of disease in other organs. In mild and moderate disease stages complete cure has been achieved, in cases were the disease process has lead to destruction of the joint as in severe cases homoeopathy can offer excellent palliative treatment.

3. Patients of Ankylosing spondylitis are advised to go in for consultation so as there disease state can be reviewed and the mode of treatment can be decided.
4. We at DRSS Health care provide special consultation on ergonomics to patients suffering from spondylitis.
5. If homoeopathic treatment is sought early it helps in preventing the progress of disease and preventing any complications from occurring, which are usually associated with the disease.
6. We at DRSS provide our patients with diet charts, exercise schedules and guide them how to modify their lifestyle so that better results can be achieved.
7. Our medicines can be started with conventional treatment depending upon the disease state and case.
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