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Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or such changes caused by starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne.

Another factor is heredity or genetics; there is evidence to support the fact that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.

Apart from this certain drugs, including androgens and lithium, are also known to cause acne.

Greasy cosmetics may cause further plugging of the follicles in the skin and hence can precipitate the onset of acne

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What is normal anxiety?
Anxiety can be described as a feeling of alarm or “worry”. It may be about something specific or it may be non-specific in nature. A certain amount of anxiety is normal and helps improve our performance and allows people to avoid dangerous situations. This normally lasts for a short period causing no impairment in social or occupational functioning. When this anxiety is prolonged and affects social or occupational functioning, it's abnormal and accounts for anxiety “disorder”.

General presentation of Anxiety disorders:
Patients often experience a state of intense apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a threatening event or situation, often to a degree that normal physical and psychological functioning is disrupted. This may be precipitated due to several reasons which are generally easily identified by the patient himself. The anxiety is of a greater degree than just everyday worries and patients do

mention that they are not able to control these worries. They are frequently accompanied with physical symptoms as well. These symptoms have to present for most days at least for several weeks at a time. Anxiety disorders also manifest as physical symptoms along with psychological symptoms. Some of the common things that patients experience are as follows:

  •  Feeling that something undesirable or harmful is about to happen (edginess and apprehension)

  • Dry mouth; swallowing difficulty; hoarseness

  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat, palpitations

  • Twitching or trembling :: Muscle tension; headaches; backache :: Sweating :: Difficulty in concentrating :: Dizziness or faintness

  • Nausea; diarrhoea; weight loss

  • Sleeplessness :: Irritability :: Fatigue

  •  Nightmare

  • Memory problems

  • Sexual impotence

Homoeopathic Approach:

It is strongly recommended in such cases homoeopathy helps in developing mental strength so that patients can face their stresses better.
Also the medicines subsequently prescribed do not induce sleep, lethargy thus do not lead to loss of daily activity or work they work by enhancing the action of nervous system rather than suppressing it thus bringing its action back to normal and helping patients subsequently to handle themselves better in pressure situation.Our Team of doctors offer special consultation services in such cases.
We also offer special services like spiritual healing in this condition.

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