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Vocal Nodules Overview
Vocal cord nodules and polyps are noncancerous (benign) growths (tumours)on the vocal cords in the larynx. They can cause hoarseness and a breathy voice.
Vocal cords: The vocal cords are the folds of mucous membrane in the larynx. These thin, reed-like bands vibrate to make vocal sounds during speaking and are capable of producing a vast range of sounds. One end of each cord is attached to the front wall of the larynx. The opposite ends are connected to two tiny cartilages near the back wall of the larynx.
Nodules and Polyps: A small solid collection of tissue, which are benign (non cancerous)
Vocal cord nodules/polyps are often the result of an acute injury (such as from shouting at a football game) and typically occur on only one vocal cord.These are also called screamer's nodule, singer's nodule and teacher's nodule.
As the nodules grow, they take on a rounded shape. They may run the whole length of the vocal cords or be localized. When vocal cord nodules occur on both vocal cords and result mainly from abuse of the voice (habitual yelling, singing, or shouting or using an unnaturally low frequency).
What are the causes of Vocal Nodules? Top
Vocal cord polyps are often the result of an acute injury (such as from shouting at a football game) and typically occur on only one vocal cord. Vocal cord nodules occur on both vocal cords and result mainly from abuse of the voice (habitual yelling, singing, or shouting or using an unnaturally low frequency).
What are the signs and symptoms of Vocal Nodules? Top
Symptoms include chronic hoarseness and a breathy voice, which tend to develop over days to weeks
How is Vocal Nodules diagnosed? Top
A doctor makes the diagnosis by examining the vocal cords with laryngoscopy
A biopsy can be recommended, a small piece of tissue be removed for the nodules for examination to make sure the growth is not cancerous (malignant).
What is the role of Homoeopathy in Vocal Nodules? Top
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