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Alzheimer’s Disease Overview
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by (dementia) impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception.

The risk of having Alzheimer’s disease increases substantially after the age of 60 and may affect around 50% of persons over the age of 85. But Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging and is not inevitable many people can live much longer and not develop the disease. It can affect all races; women are affected more than men In the early stages, the most commonly recognized symptom is inability to acquire new memories, such as difficulty in recalling recently observed facts. As the disease advances, symptoms include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long-term memory loss, and the general withdrawal of the sufferer as their senses decline. When Alzheimer’s disease is suspected, the diagnosis is usually confirmed with behavioral assessments and cognitive tests, often followed by a scan if available. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. It cannot be cured completely but Homoeopathic medicines can help by preventing any further loss.
What are the causes and who is at the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease?
The exact cause (s) of Alzheimer’s disease are not known. The most widely believed theory is “amyloid cascade hypothesis”; according to which excess in production of a specific form of a small protein fragment called ABeta (Aß) in the brain can cause the disease.

The risk factors of developing Alzheimer’s disease include:
  • Age: The main risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is increased age. Ten percent of people over 65 years of age and 50% of those over 85 years of age have Alzheimer's disease.
  • Family History: There are also genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Most people with early onset of the disease (40s or 50s) have family history.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure),
  • Coronary artery disease,
  • Diabetes,
  • Elevated blood cholesterol.
The factors mentioned above increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, but by no means do they mean that Alzheimer's disease is inevitable in persons with these factors.
What are symptoms of Alzheimer ’s disease?
The symptoms of Alzheimer’s diseases can be classified into three stages:
  • Pre dementia
  • Early stage
  • Moderate stage
  • Advanced Stage
Pre-Dementia: The onset of Alzheimer's disease is usually gradual the changes are usually believed to be the early sign of aging. The cardinal features of this stage include:
  • Memory loss: Short term memory loss with inability to learn new tasks
  • Difficulty in completing complex daily activities
  • Difficulty in attentiveness and planning
Early Stage: As the disease progresses people with AD the increasing impairment of learning and memory eventually leads to a definitive diagnosis.
  • Difficulty in recognizing familiar people or things.
  • Difficulty recalling names of new acquaintances.
  • Trouble remembering recent events or activities.
  • Inability to solve simple arithmetic problems.
  • Forgetting where they have recently placed objects.
  • Finding the right word for a familiar thing and performing familiar tasks can be difficult.
  • Individuals may seem withdrawn in social situations.
  • Trouble performing complex tasks such as planning an event or paying bills.
  • Individuals can still understand and participate in conversation.
  • They can find their way through familiar surroundings without help.
Moderate stage: As Alzheimer’s disease progresses the patient experiences difficulties in performing the most common daily activities, which causes loss of independence.
  • Speech difficulties due to inability to recall words
  • Difficulty in carrying out everyday activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming without help
  • Long term memory loss with major gaps in memory begin to be evident, with individuals often unable to recall their address, the year, the season, and recent events. Individuals often incorrectly remember their personal history.
  • Inability to think clearly and solve problems
  • Difficulty in reading and writing
  • They have difficulty in recognizing relatives and friends
  • Mood changes such as aggressiveness, irritability, agitation, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, increased disorientation, and wandering. These symptoms are more prominent in the evening that is why it is called as ‘sundown syndrome’
Advanced Stage: As Alzheimer’s disease progresses the patient now is completely dependent upon caregivers.
  • Complete loss of short and long term memory cannot recognize family members and close relatives
  • Language is reduced to simple phrases or even single words, eventually leading to complete loss of speech.
  • Urine and stool incontinence
  • Patient losses mobility and is usually bedridden
  • Personality changes like aggressiveness & hostility
  • Patients can often understand and return emotional signals.
How is it Diagnosed?
A complete history and medical examination is the first step. Alzheimer’s disease is usually diagnosed clinically from the patient history, collateral history from relatives, and clinical observations, based on the presence of characteristic Alzheimer's disease. Imaging studies like CT scan, MRI and PET scan can be used to help exclude other cerebral pathology or subtypes of dementia. There is no blood test available for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease.

Warning signs of Alzheimer’s
The Alzheimer's Association has developed the following list of warning signs that include common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Individuals who exhibit several of these symptoms should see a physician for a complete evaluation.

1. Memory loss
2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks
3. Problems with language
4. Disorientation to time and place
5. Poor or decreased judgment
6. Problems with abstract thinking
7. Misplacing things
8. Changes in mood or behavior
9. Changes in personality
What is the role of Homoeopathy in Alzheimer’s disease?
As described in the article above the exact cause (s) of Alzheimer’s disease are not known, Homoeopathy follows an individualistic approach towards patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease we believe that every individual is different and thus a full in-depth case study is the first step. Then referring to the risk factors the individual was subjected too, a particular line of treatment is adopted A broad criterion of how the homoeopathic medicines act in cases of Alzheimer’s disease is mentioned below. The response to treatment can differ from one individual to another patients are advised to consult so that the mode of treatment can be discussed pertaining to their particular case. Homoeopathy with it deep acting constitutional remedies help in curing the disease by;

  • Relieving the symptoms: Homoeopathic drugs help by relieving the symptoms like loss of memory and personality changes. The duration of treatment usually depends upon the stage and extent of disease.
  • Controlling the progress of Alzheimer’s disease: deep acting Homoeopathic drugs help in curtailing the disease progress by preventing any further loss of memory and cognitive behaviors.
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