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Sinusitis is an inflammation or infection of one or more of the sinuses. A sinus is a hollow air space in the skull. These are also known as the para-nasal sinuses since they surround the nasal cavity.

The para-nasal sinuses include:
Frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area
Maxillary sinuses inside each cheekbone
Ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes
Sphenoid sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes
Sinusitis can be classified (based on the duration) into:
Acute sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis
Recurrent sinusitis

The common causes of this condition include: Viruses Bacteria Fungus Excessive nose blowing Foreign objects in nostril (especially in children) Scuba diving Side effects of certain drugs Tooth caries Allergies

The common symptoms of sinusitis include: Nasal congestion and discharge that may be yellowish or greenish
Cough with production of mucus Discharge from the back of the nose into the throat Bad breath
Reduced sense of smell/ taste Headache Toothache Pain in the region of the affected sinus (see the illustration on Sinuses) Fever Tiredness Weakness

Homeopathic treatment:
What needs to be treated in sinusitis is not only the acute infection or inflammation, but also the inherent tendency to have sinusitis repeatedly. Individual tendency to frequent upper respiratory infections or sinusitis can best be treated with homeopathic approach of individualistic treatment. Recurring sinusitis finds wonderful treatment with homeopathy. Homeopathy treats acute infections as well as the tendency to have infections or allergy. It is almost always possible to avoid antibiotics and sinus surgery if one adopts the homeopathic alternative.
Homeopathy is strongly suggested for sinusitis

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Treatment Rates as
pacakges for
    1 month 130$
    4 months 500$
    6 months 750$
    1 year 1400$
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