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Prostate Enlargement

Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. It is one of the very painful conditions and it is the commonest of all prostate diseases. One more condition included under the category of prostatitis is prostodynia where there is prostatic pain but no inflammation of the gland.
The prostate is a small gland of size and shape of walnut and is an integral part of male reproductive system.

Process of inflammation of the prostate gland can have many causes varying from bacteria and fungus to trauma either mechanical or chemical, stress, or even disturbances in bodys immune system.
The science of homoeopathy is based on the principle that disease is a total affliction of body. Hence homoeopathy approach is to treat the patient who is diseased rather than treating isolated diseased organs of the body. Homoeopathy medicines are very effective in alleviating pain and other symptoms associated with this condition. Considering the recurring nature of the disease, homoeopathy is very effective in preventing relapse of the condition.

Suggestion about homeopathic treatment: Homoeopathy is strongly recommended in cases of prostatitis. Homoeopathy offers effective, gentle and safe treatment for cases of prostatitis.
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Treatment Rates as
pacakges for
    1 month 130$
    4 months 500$
    6 months 750$
    1 year 1400$
  These Packages include
  consultations fee (as per condition.)
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